GRE 单词汇总 单词 释义 sycophantic 阿谀奉承的 unsentimental 不感情用事的 censorious 挑剔的 pedantic 迂腐的 irreverent 不尊重的 unsympathetic 冷漠无情的 disguise 掩饰 precede 领先 supplant 代替 elusive 难以理解的 authentic 真实 2025-02-15 study #study #GRE SpeekingTemplates个人成长相关 学习新技能(e.g., discipline, patience, problem-solving) It helps improve my skills and personal qualities. 获得经验(e.g., overcoming challenges) It teaches me how to collaborate and co 2024-12-08 study > Toefl #study #Toefl
4thSept_2024 小记最近睡觉是有点太多了,是不是只要一沾到床就会变懒想睡觉,果然书房和卧室确实是不能放在一起的,没有人能够抵抗床的吸引力。 一点想法人,可能天生就是双标的。 一方面我们想要从别人身上获取认同感,却又把别人的这种行为看成是一种没必要的自我感动。 重新审视一下自己我们做这些事情是为了什么,在生活中发朋友圈,在和别人交往的圈子中维护自己的人设,扪心自问一下难道做了这么多都只是单纯的取悦自己吗?或者是当谈 2024-09-04 daily > ideas #daily #ideas
21thMay_2024 Academic WritingOriginal textThis is a controversial topic. I personally agree with Kelly’s idea that by providing work training for employees, they are likely to feel more valued thus more willing to 2024-05-21 daily #daily #Toefl
16thMay_2024 托福Reading原文In 1970 geologists Kenneth J. Hsu and William B. F. Ryan were collecting research data while aboard the oceanographic research vessel (血管/船) Glomar Challenger. An objective of this par 2024-05-17 daily #daily #Toefl
17thMay_2024 Academic WritingOriginal textIn my point of view, I am deeply convinced that going out for a field trip is a crucial part for students to learn more knowledge which they can not learn from conventiona 2024-05-17 #daily #Toefl
15thMay_2024 今日托福(Academic Writing)更改拼写、语法后This is quite a controversial topic. In my opinion, I do believe that it makes a point for kids to learn from educational computer games. Andrew claims that children can 2024-05-15 daily #daily #Toefl
11thMay.2024 小记(这是一篇来自12号的补档 早起6点多,吃了个早饭是要去考托福的。天在下雨,本来前一天晚上看了地铁一个多小时,但是打车只要30多分钟,心想着不如打个车在车上多休息一会。但是吃完饭一看,发现早上打车的时间要50分钟左右,到考试院大概是8点多一些,心想着问题也不是很大就上车了。结果在高架上突然遇到暴雨了,然后又堵车,结果没能赶上 白白浪费了2000大洋,这只能从我自己的私账出了总不好意思再去报销。 2024-05-12 daily #daily
30thMar.2024 写小诗一首少翁言之凿凿破红尘,可笑不及弱冠成仰首高呼见众生,一朝梦醒守孤灯 每逢言及过往,必曰:“释然矣。”然心中所忆如斧凿刀刻,此可谓真“释”欤? 作此诗一首,然吾亦诗中所书之少翁耳。可笑可悲,可怜可叹。 好久不见说几件事(该大不大,也都是些琐事 有时候就怕是明明知道自己放下了,却被别人误解为放不下。只能说是活该自己自作多情吧。既然如此做不得互不相识的陌生人,那就做仇人也挺好的,省的念想,倒也是 2024-04-30 daily #daily #brief talk #poems
Python Tools Download files from web(url)1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526import requestsimport timefrom requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuthdef download(url,file_path): r = requests.get(url,auth=HTTPBa 2023-07-28 tool #tools